We are committed to bringing joy, inspiration, and smiles to the world, not just for the convenience of life, but so that people can experience a richness of mind and body, and live with peace of mind.


A well-developed purchasing network, a realistic information network, and the ability to respomd to customer needs.

Wholesaler and exporter of OTC medicines, quasi-drugs and healthcare products.

We gather information on trends and customer needs in each country from partner companies that operate trading, wholesale, and retail businesses in Japan, China, and Southeast Asian countries, and share and review this information with manufacturers and wholesalers.
We propose products that fit your stores and customer needs.

Based on the trust we have built up over many years with our partner companies, we receive prompt and accurate information on trends, needs and economic conditions.
We deliver to major supermarkets and cross-border EC shop operators in Greater China and Southeast Asian countries, as well as to trading companies in Japan.

We will strive to accurately respond to the diversifying needs of our customers and business partners on a daily basis, to enhance our procurement capabilities and product lineup of highly reliable products, especially our best-selling products, and to ensure the stable, safe, and reliable delivery of our products.


Product potential analysis and brand image creation.

Creating untapped markets.

Under a friendly and strategic partnership with a local Chinese company that covers 80% of the supply chain in Greater China countries, we will subdivide our indirect distribution channel policy into a mainstream strategic and exclusive distribution channel strategy to enhance the brand image of Japanese products that are in high demand among consumers and We will continue to provide a stable supply of Japanese products that are highly demanded by consumers.

We analyze the potential to create new consumer needs for manufacturers who wish to strengthen their brand image and brand penetration in Greater China countries.
We provide clear results in as little as 1 day and up to 5 days.

For products that are not well-known, but have the potential to generate a reasonable market response, we will strictly manage their brand image based on a strategy of completely restricting wholesale and retail sales.
Under the exclusive distribution channel policy, we will create consumer needs and provide a stable supply while nurturing the brand image.

We will strive to develop high-potential manufacturer products, create new needs in Greater China countries and work with manufacturers to create the future.


A logistics platform that eliminates the distance fetters that make it difficult to export from Japan to Southeast Asian countries.

Safe, secure and speedy transport.

It takes 2-4 weeks for delivery. It is the distance from Japan that makes export transactions difficult.
From the viewpoint of protecting customer satisfaction, we have launched a logistics platform with a strong focus on shortening this distance and addressing the number of days for delivery.

We will utilize logistics in Hong Kong, where we are affiliated with a friendly strategic partner company that is working to optimize the supply chain with a focus on measures to shorten logistics days. 
We will also work to ensure speedy, safe, and secure delivery from Hong Kong.