Matters relating to the system for the sale of OTC medicines.

■*OTC medicines* classification.

In Japan, OTC pharmaceuticals, also known as 'OTC pharmaceuticals' or 'OTC drugs', are drugs that can be purchased at pharmacies and drugstores without a prescription and are classified according to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law as follows.

1.What is a medicinal product requiring special instructions?

Deleterious substances and medicines within 3 years of being converted from prescription drugs to OTC medicines.

2.What is a Class 1 medicinal product?

Medicinal products containing ingredients that require special attention from a safety point of view, such as lack of experience in their use as OTC medicinal products.

3.What is a Class 2 medicinal product

Medicinal products containing ingredients that may cause health problems.
*Medicines that require special attention are designated as Category 2 medicines.

4.What is a Class 3 medicinal product?

Medicines that have a relatively low risk of side effects and may cause physical alterations and disorders, although not to the extent that they interfere with daily life.

■ *About risk classifications

OTC medicines have obligatory and effort-based requirements for information providers and consultation services, depending on the risk category, and the corresponding specialist.

1.Medicines requiring special instructions.

Provision of information  : obligatory
Consultation service    : obligatory
Specialist to be consulted  : pharmacist (face-to-face only)

2.Class 1 medicines.

Provision of information  : obligatory
Consultation       : obligatory
Specialisation supported by : pharmacist support

3.Class 2 medicines.

Provision of information  :obligation to make efforts
Consultation       : obligatory.
Specialist support     :pharmacist or registered sales person.

4.Class 3 medicines.

Information provided   : not required
Consultation       : obligatory.
Specialist support     : pharmacist or registered sales person.