Menopause is like a roller coaster.
Symptoms that are caused by female hormones over which one has no control.
This is because female hormones are violently disrupted.
Mother of Life A.
Category 3 drugs.
A well-established brand that has contributed to women's mental and physical health for 50 years..
A pharmaceutical product (herbal medicine formulation) that regulates female hormone disorders and is effective in treating menopausal symptoms.
It is made by combining herbal medicines from three Chinese herbal medicines often prescribed by gynaecologists in hospitals: keishibukuryogan, kamishoyosan and tokishakuyakusan.
Mother of Life Active 168 tablets.
New product, launched 12 October 2022. Category 3 drugs.
Product Description
1. A herbal medicine preparation for those who have passed menopause but still suffer from stiff shoulders, back pain, heaviness, and coldness.
2.10 kinds of herbal medicines regulate symptoms caused by hormonal decrease and malfunction of the independent nervous system.
3."Blood flow promotion" and "bone and muscle reinforcement" help with stiff shoulders, back pain, heaviness, and coldness.
4. Supports active lifestyles even after menopause.