Sustainable Development Goals

IRIS STAR NET endorses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations and will contribute to the realisation of a sustainable society through business activities based on 'contributing to the health and enrichment of mind and body' for everyone in the world, regardless of age, gender, nationality or religion.

SDGs is an abbreviation for Sustainable Development Goals, which translates as 'Sustainable Development Goals' in Japanese.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 common global goals designed to fundamentally solve various global problems such as poverty, inequality and disparity, and the effects of climate change, and to create an ideal world that is better for all people (living and breathing) in the world.

In September 2015, the SDGs were adopted at the Sustainable Development Summit held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA, based on the principle of "No one will be left behind.

The world began working in 2016 to achieve 17 common global goals in the 15 years to 2030. By "sustainable," we mean that the global environment and resources for future generations will be protected and that current conditions can be sustained.
Development" also means that all people can live contentedly, with peace of mind, and to the fullest extent of their abilities.
This means that people of all nations and regions, regardless of age, gender, or nationality, should strive to realize a society in which no one is left behind and everyone is respected.

Rather than focusing solely on economic development, companies are required to take a proactive approach to the environment and society in order to achieve a sustainable world by addressing and fundamentally resolving environmental and social issues in a balanced manner.

Through our business activities as a wholesale exporter of OTC medicines, quasi-drugs and healthcare products, We, IRIS STAR NET, are not only exporting, but also contributing to people's well-being by restoring, maintaining and improving their health conditions.

This is closely linked to "Goal 3: Health and Welfare for All," one of the 17 goals, and we are committed to promoting the SDGs through our business activities.

By linking our activities to the SDGs, we will strive to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by doing what we can do from our immediate surroundings in light of the SDG targets, so that we can realize how our actions are helping to address social issues and contribute to a sustainable society. We will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.


SDGsとは、「Sustainable Development Goals」の略称で、日本語では「持続可能な開発目標」と訳されます。 


2015年9月、ニューヨークの国連本部で開催された持続可能な開発サミットにて、誰ひとり取り残さない(No one will be left behind)を理念とする「SDGs」が採択されました。




私たちアイリススターネットは、OTC医薬品、医薬部外品、ヘルスケア品の卸売輸出業という事業活動を通じ、単に輸出するだけではなく、人々の健康状態を快復し、保持し、向上させ、人々の健やかな暮らしに貢献して参ります。それは17の目標の中でも「ゴール3 すべての人に健康と福祉を」に密接に結びついており、当社では事業活動を通じ、SDGs推進を核に取り組んで参ります。
