Typical Japanese OTC Medicines: Effects and Usage

Looking for effective and safe OTC medicines? Japan is renowned for its trustworthy medical care, and its OTC medicines are no exception. In this section, we'll introduce typical Japanese OTC medicines, their effects, and how to use them to treat various ailments.

Cold medicine

Cold remedies include antipyretic analgesics, antihistamines, cough suppressants (antitussives), and expectorants. Some of the most popular cold remedies include "Kalonal," "Pabron," "Lulu A Tablets," "Acetaminophen Tablets," and "Vitamin C Tablets."

Headache medicine

Headache medications include loxoprofen, ibuprofen, aspirin, and isopropyl antipyrine. Typical headache medications include "ibuprofen (Switch OTC)," "allylisopropylacetylurea + caffeine anhydrous (Salidon A, Salidon Wi)," "acetaminophen (Tylenol A)," "loxoprofen (New Cedes tablets)," "isopropylantipyrine (Kerolin)" are available.

Gastrointestinal medicine

Gastrointestinal medicines include those that neutralize stomach acid and those that protect the gastric mucosa. Some of the typical gastrointestinal drugs include "Gaster 10," "Nerium," "Lindolone S," and "Metoclopramide" tablets.

Pain relievers

Analgesics relieve pain such as headaches, toothaches, and menstrual bleeding. The most common pain relievers in Japan include "Loxonin," "Acetaminophen," and "Ibuprofen."

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic

Anti-inflammatory painkillers reduce inflammation of joints such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, and swelling and bleeding of gums. The typical anti-inflammatory painkillers in Japan include "Loxonin S," "Bufferin EX," and "Amlogic EX."

Antipyretic and analgesic

Antipyretic analgesics include Kalonal, Pabron, Lulu A Tablets, and Acetaminophen Tablets.

Rhinitis medicine

Rhinitis drugs include those that open a blocked nose due to allergic rhinitis or colds and those that stop a runny nose. Typical examples include "Allegra FX," "Claritin," "Xyzal," and "Allegion.

Eye medicine

Eye drops reduce itching and redness of the eyes due to dry eyes or allergic conjunctivitis, and reduce intraocular pressure. Popular eye drops in Japan include "Sante FX," "Sante EYE," "Siding," and "Vitalist NEO."

Stomatitis medicine

Mouth ulcer medications include "Ulthera Mucous Membrane Protectant," "Ulthera Stomatitis Ointment," "Ulthera Stomatitis Spray," and "Ulthera Stomatitis Solution."

Tendon pain medicine

Muscle pain medications include "Bufferin EX," "Ibuprofen P Tablets," and "Loxonin S."

However, the method of use varies with each drug. For instance, Pabron is widely used as an antipyretic analgesic, and one tablet up to three times a day is the standard. "Kalonal" can be taken as a single adult dose of 1 tablet (500 mg of the main ingredient) up to 3 times a day, although the dosage may be increased or decreased according to age and symptoms. "Acetaminophen Tablets" may be taken as a single adult dose of 1 tablet (325 mg of the main ingredient) up to 4 times a day, but always follow the directions for use.

Remember, the instructions for use differ for each medicine product, and you should always read the package insert carefully before use. We hope this information helps you choose the right OTC medicines for your needs.

Drug stores are an essential part of daily life.

They carry a wide range of OTC medicines, cosmetics, daily necessities, and other items necessary for daily life.

OTC medicines are affordable and easy to purchase for the solution of common ailments, but before purchasing, it is necessary to understand which medicines are available, how to use them, and where to consult with them.